Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The best dating advice out there.

What Is Background Behind This Product??? Man behind this product claims to be a sort of combination between a healer and a life coach in the world of romance. He drew his inspiration from a life of experiencing constant failures with women and having no idea as to how to fix it. He would spend a lot of money of highly lauded dating classes and seminars on how to attract women, and yet each one would only serve to make him feel like he had taking another step backward. The Tao System That constant failure to attract women, he discovered, was not because he didn’t know those right things to do; the problem that he discovered was that he had no idea what not to do. He would constantly be at a loss to understand what it was that he was lacking, and why his tool bag of tricks and lines were having so little effect in the long run. By all means, he thought, he should have been attracting women; however, time and time again, end result was less than satisfying. He can still recall numerous stories of having a woman regard him as only a friend, leave him a party to speak with someone who had more confidence, or lose interest after an extended period of time spent with them that seemed intimate in the beginning. If you want to IMPROVE your skills with WOMEN and also self confidence and social skills in general, THIS IS A MUST HAVE PRODUCT. PERIOD. – After taking all of the opposite things to do based on a plethora of collections of handbooks and classes teaching the “moves”, he was able to compile his popular course for seduction, an anthology that aims to educate those who are lost in love by teaching them how to stop cheating themselves out of getting what they want. BTW, you can read more about Joshua Pellicer in here. After being a guru for thousands of men, he claims to realize that there are specific patterns in success stories. He also realized that there were specific patterns in the failures. He realized that just because he was teaching, it didn’t mean that his time to study was completely over. While he was working with his company in the past, he was bound by a contract that not would allow him to teach any real dating coach’s secrets. I’m a girl, but this was wonderfully insightful as to how guys think we think. Although personally, I wouldn’t recommend playing hard to get as a way to pick girls up. All the girls I know would hate having to do the work to initiate a relationship. – He claims that if he did teach his secrets, that there was a fear that no one would ever return to classes again. Classes were not cheap, with each class was $3500 a piece. Now that he has left, he claims that he can tell everything. Course is what he claims to be the ultimate book for everything that he was not able to reveal when he was a professional coach in the life of love. What Is Covered In Tao System Book? Essentially, program is presented as a comprehensive, end all be all guide to becoming an unstoppable woman magnet. Book covers topics from making woman approach man, meeting women in general, confidence, getting a girlfriend, and dating tips. Each of the categories is outfitted with a certain amount of subcategories beneath the initial topic. Subcategories include certain small niches as the best ways to keep conversation going, the best way to stop a woman on the street, top 5 ways men kill attraction, and ways to get that a first kiss. god!!!this is THE most amazing self help book i have come across among the huge array and numbers available…this beautiful creation isnt just about scoring chiks but developing urself….a must read for all men – What ‘Not’ To Do Program claims that it is just as important to know what to do in flirting and dating situations as it is to know what not to do. It claims that you can follow every single piece of good advice you get about how to act around one, but if one only adds in more positive approaches and doesn’t eliminate habits that are actually holding them back, they are not going to experience much success. The Old Flame, What Is Main Attraction Killer For Ya??? One of the main things mentioned as an ‘attraction killer’ is talking about ex-girlfriends. His guide claims that mentioning your ex is okay if it’s “applicable to the conversation”, but it would be more wise to veer away from the topic altogether. 9 out of 10, this book/program by Joshua Pellicer is highly recommended. Program is your beyond average guide to every average guy’s dating feat. – All In The Eyes, Really??? The Tao of Badass System Another attraction killer is avoiding eye contact. Eye contact is described as one of the ultimate ways to establish both dominance and rapport at same time. As eyes are a window into conscience, having nerve to stare straight into a stranger’s eyes shows a certain fearlessness and intimacy that makes them both feel more secure and yet guarded at same time. By neglecting to make eye contact, one gives signs of nervousness and detachment. Hands On Another attraction-killer listed is keeping one’s hands to themselves. While instruction manual claims that we are taught that physical contact with opposite sex should be reserved to private interactions, friendly touch is a great way to portray confidence and connect with your prospective date. By making touch platonic at first, things can quickly escalate into sexual contact if one makes sure to keep touch consistent but not overbearing. One shouldn’t just ram their hand into a pretty girl’s cleavage on the sidewalk to establish friendly feelings, but instead, a tap on the shoulder or pat on arm can resonate very loudly on their own. Walk The Walk The program asserts that men should also take care to never devalue themselves. If one goes into a situation believing that there are not good enough for their target, all is already lost. No matter how much one builds themselves up, they’re doomed to fail if the interior of their building is made of wet Styrofoam. To put it a certain way, one should take care to make sure that they are solid gold and not simply gold-plated. With that right amount of security, the confident image that a man exudes will resonate perfectly with the way his attitude backs it up. Action And Reaction It is crucial to never ignore body language or reactions from every woman. Even if one barrels forward with carefully planned flirtation strategy, and that might make them feel truly prepared, somebody can easily feel the situation for one simple reason: attraction takes two people to truly be effective. I heard about it from a friend. He sold it to me based on my interest in psychology. Much to my surprise i actually learned from this book and walked away with a better understanding not just of dating or picking up women but being social in general. – If At First… If one technique fails to work, one should not just reach into the toolbox of moves and find something else. Instead, one should take note of her first reaction to the first attempt and attempt to take note of what wasn’t effective. After one has determined whether or not they were too aggressive, unconfident, or simply uninteresting, next action can be chosen accordingly while still maintaining a level of dignity. No “Hail-Mary Passes” One must always remember to not try and bust out all attraction technique one learns without 100% belief that they’re all going to work. If one isn’t “present in the moment”, as the Attraction System puts it, then they aren’t able to react and adapt accordingly. Human aspect is gone when one tries to make an interaction as cold and calculated as robotic engineering, and women can sense manufactured confidence from a mile away. Trying to plan an entire conversation is a little bit like attempting to predict weather; you can dress however you like for it, but in the end, weather is going to be what it will be no matter how you prepare, and you will suffer if your wardrobe isn’t flexible enough to handle its changes. If you’re struggling with getting more girls, you owe it to yourself to try the course. Life without a significant other, or even without casual encounters, can be tough to live. It’s not your fault you haven’t yet developed skills needed to land a girl. But it is your responsibility to fix the situation. – Silver Tongue Keeping conversation going is one of the most vital skills anybody can possess in his pursuit of a potential romantic partner. Conversations are born out of awkward silences, and so one should welcome that anxious feeling instead of dreading it. Key to maintaining conversation, according to course, is to be constantly observant. Being ‘present’ means that one has awareness of everything around them aside from the immediate people and topics on their minds, which ensures that there is always something to talk about. Quality in a man to have focus on things that aren’t directly related to him or the people he’s with is somewhat rate, making it a strong point of distinctive attraction for women who are too used to men only thinking of themselves all day. To be present is to be observant, to be observant is to be flexible, to be flexible is to be comfortable, and to be comfortable is to be intimate. BTW, you might be
 interested in further reports on this course: Being

‘The Man’ With The Tao of Badass To put it simply, program is aimed at showing men all of ways not to attract women and outfitting them with the best possible remaining set of skills in order to help them completely attract women. By purging the habits of all of the unattractive qualities that leave so many men high and dry thanks to their inability to detect what does and does not work, those who follow the program are claimed to be virtually incapable of failing if they do exactly what is told to them.

 I`ve bought this product and it has some very good stuff in it but don`t take my word check it out for your self click here.

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